Loss of rights granted to pregnant women

Pregnant patients have various rights, including: free medicines. If the patient has been assigned an additional entitlement specific to pregnant women in the patient's card, then after giving birth, this entitlement should be withdrawn. If there are patients in the database who were assigned the above-mentioned additional entitlement more than 280 days ago (i.e. those who may have already given birth), then a flashing fetal icon is displayed in the header of each page of the jHIS system.

After clicking this icon, a new window opens with information about which patients experience this situation. There is a "Go to patient card" button next to each patient.

When you click the "Go to patient card" button, the new window closes and the patient's card is displayed in the main browser window, where additional rights must be verified and, if necessary, withdrawn (if the patient is no longer entitled to them).