Admission schedules / Waiting queues

Admission schedules / Waiting queues

The "Admission schedules / waiting queues" functionality in the "NFZ" menu is used to manage admission schedules / waiting queues, the reporting of which results from legal provisions. The system supports both schedules / queues reported in real time to the AP-KOLCE system as well as those reported via KLX messages. After selecting this functionality, a list of defined schedules/queues is displayed, with "Patients", "Messages", "Edit" and "Delete" buttons next to each of them, and under the list there is a "Add" button and a red "Stop communication with AP" button -KOLCE" (if communication with AP-KOLCE is enabled) or the orange button "Resume communication with AP-KOLCE (if communication with AP-KOLCE is disabled).

To add a new schedule/queue, click the "Add" button visible under the list of schedules/queues. The schedule/queue data form will then be displayed.

After completing the form, save the data by clicking the "Add" button. If "AP-KOLCE" is indicated as the settlement mechanism, then after saving the schedule/queue data, the system will try to send this data to the AP-KOLCE application.

To update the first available dates in the schedule (which, according to the regulations, should happen every business day), click the "Edit" button next to a given schedule/queue on the list. After changing the first available dates in the form, the data should be saved by clicking the "Update" button. If the settlement mechanism for a given schedule/queue is AP-KOLCE, then after updating the first free dates, the system will try to send this data to the AP-KOLCE application. If for some reason a message should not be sent to AP-KOLCE when updating the first free dates, select the "Do not generate a message to AP-KOLCE for this operation" option before saving the changes.

In the case of schedules/queues for which the settlement mechanism is AP-KOLCE, after clicking the "Messages" button, the history of message sending to AP-KOLCE opens in a new window. The contents of this window are automatically refreshed every 10 seconds. By default, the communication history window displays a certain number of recent messages, but there is also a switch to display all messages. If the message is successfully sent, the response status "sent successfully" is displayed in green. If the message is not sent successfully, the response status "an error occurred" is displayed in red. In addition to the error message, a "Details" button is displayed, opening a new window with a detailed error message. As messages must be sent to APKOLCE in sequence, when an error occurs, communication with AP-KOLCE is suspended. In such a situation, the user must manually solve the problem mentioned in the error message in AP-KOLKA, and then click the "Manually handled up to and including this item" button in jHIS next to the given message. This will change the message status to "manually handled" (displayed in blue) and the system will resume communication with AP-KOLCE starting with the next message. If the user manually performed more activities in AP-KOLCE than just the one for which the error was reported (i.e. also performed subsequent activities marked with the status "not sent yet"), then he should click the "Manually handled up to this item" button at the last activity performed - then the system will mark this activity and all previous unhandled ones with the status "handled manually" and resume communication with AP-KOLCE starting with the next message. Additionally, next to the message for which an error occurred, there are "Retry sending" buttons available, clicking which re-attempts sending the given message (after correcting the data outside the schedule/queue, e.g. if the error concerned irregularities in the patient's data and these data were corrected in the patient's card , then you should try to send the message again) and "Delete message", clicking which deletes the given message (after correcting the data in the schedule / queue, as a new message is then generated to AP-KOLCE, so the error message should be deleted in such a situation). If communication with AP-KOLCE is enabled, you can also delete messages waiting to be sent after the error message, and if communication with AP-KOLCE is disabled, you can delete all messages waiting to be sent.

In the case of schedules / queues for which the settlement mechanism is KLX, after clicking the "Messages" button next to a given schedule / queue, a new window opens with a list of feedback from the KLZ / PLZ message (if such a message has been imported).

To delete a schedule/queue (e.g. as a result of being added by mistake), click the "Delete" button next to a given schedule/queue on the list. The data form will then be displayed in read-only mode. The intention to delete should be confirmed by clicking the "Delete" button in the form.


Deleting a schedule/queue from the jHIS system does not remove it from AP-KOLCE. If the accounting mechanism for the deleted schedule/queue is AP-KOLCE, then after deleting the schedule/queue in jHIS, it must be deleted in AP-KOLCE manually.

To manage data of patients entered into a schedule/queue, click the "Patients" button next to a given schedule/queue on the list. A list of patients entered into the schedule/waiting queue will then be displayed, with "Edit" and "Delete" buttons next to each of them. Below the patient list, there is an "Add" button and a "Messages" button (the operation of the latter is identical to the operation of the button with the same name on the list of schedules/queues).

Patients are added (entered) into the schedule/waiting queue in the process of making appointments. In a special case, there may be a need to add (enter) a patient to the schedule/queue outside the process of making appointments (e.g. entering a date so far away that no appointment schedules are yet prepared for that date, so there are no registrations for visits for this period). In such a situation, to add (enter) a new patient to the schedule/queue, click the "Add" button visible under the patient list. A data form will then be displayed which must be completed. Identifying a patient is based on the principle of hints - when entering the name, the system displays a list of hints and the appropriate person must be selected from the list of hints. Some form fields are read-only (filled in by the system automatically). In the case of schedules/queues for which the settlement mechanism is AP-KOLCE, if you do not enter the patient into the schedule, you cannot simultaneously enter information about his deletion from the schedule (information about deletion can be entered by going to edit the already added patient).

In the case of schedules/queues for which the settlement mechanism is APKOLCE, it is necessary to indicate the document data - e-referral or DiLO card. In the case of e-referral, there are two ways to attach it. If the e-referral has already been downloaded from the P1 platform and exists in the patient's card, click the "Download from database" button. A new window will then open with a list of e-referrals downloaded for a given patient from the P1 platform and a "Select" button next to each of them. Clicking the "Select" button will insert the e-referral data into the form and close the e-referral selection window.

If the e-referral has not yet been downloaded from the P1 platform, click the "Download from P1 platform" button. A new window will open, in which you should write down the 4-digit e-referral PIN (and in the case of test environments, the 44-digit e-referral key) and click the "Download" button. If the e-referral is successfully downloaded from the P1 platform, its details will be displayed. Clicking the "Accept" button will insert the e-referral data into the form and close the e-referral data download window.

After completing the form, confirm it by clicking the "Add" button. If the settlement mechanism for a given schedule/queue is AP-KOLCE, then after saving the patient's data, the jHIS system sends a message to the AP-KOLCE application with the entered data.

Information about removing a patient from the schedule/queue is entered in the visit management process (when the visit is marked as completed, not completed, moved to another date or canceled). However, there are specific situations when a change outside the visit management process is necessary. In such a situation, to modify the data of a patient entered into the schedule/queue, click the "Edit" button next to that patient. A form will then be displayed, identical to that used for adding a patient, but filled with data. After making changes, save them by clicking the "Update" button. If the billing mechanism for a given schedule/queue is AP-KOLCE, then after saving the patient's data, the jHIS system sends a message to the AP-KOLCE application with modified data. If for some reason a message should not be sent to AP-KOLCE when updating the data of a patient entered into the schedule/queue, select the "Do not generate a message to AP-KOLCE for this operation" option before saving the changes.

To remove a patient's entry from the schedule/queue (e.g. added as a result of a mistake; not to be confused with deleting a patient from the schedule/queue), click the "Delete" button for a given patient. A form will then be displayed, identical to that in the case of data editing, except that it will be displayed in read-only mode. The intention to remove the patient should be confirmed by clicking the "Delete" button visible at the bottom of the form.


Deleting a schedule/queue entry from jHIS does not remove that entry from APKOLCE. If the accounting mechanism for the deleted schedule/queue is APKOLCE, then after deleting an entry from the schedule/queue in jHIS, it must be manually deleted in APKOLCE.

If for some reason there is a need to suspend communication with AP-KOLCE, click the red button "Stop communication with AP-KOLCE" and confirm your intention by clicking "OK" in the prompt that will then appear. The button will be renamed "Resume communication with APKOLCE" and colored orange. To resume communication with AP-KOLCE, click the orange button "Resume communication with AP-KOLCE" and confirm your intention by clicking "OK" in the prompt that will then appear. The button will change its name again to "Suspend communication with AP-KOLCE" and turn red.