History of incomes and outcomes of vaccines

History of incomes and outcomes of vaccines

The functionality of „History” from submenu „Vaccines” within menu „Staff” is intended to browse history of incomes and outcomes of vaccines within stores (internal vaccines) and history of vaccinations of patient vaccines (external vaccines). After choosing this functionality there appears list of vaccine types and by each of them there is a button “Choose”.

After clicking the "Choose" button, a list of stores (in the case of internal vaccines) or a list of units (in the case of internal vaccines) is displayed for a given type of vaccines and "Choose" button for each item on the list.

After clicking button “Choose” by the given store / unit, there appears list of all vaccines that have ever been stored within the given store / vaccinated within the given unit and by each of them there is button “History”.

After clicking “History” button by the given vaccine, within new window there appears history of incomes and outcomes of the given vaccine that covers: supplies, interstore transfers, spendings, destroyings and vaccinations.