Extra visits

Extra visits

To arrange extra visits and service already prearranged extra visits is used "Extra visits" functionality from "Visits" menu. After selecting from the "Visits" menu "Extra visits" functionality there is displayed search engine of doctors working in clinics located in the units, which are accessible to the logged user. The first step is to choose a clinic and click "Search" button. If there are doctors working in the clinic or equipment functioning in the clinic then on the page, in columns, under the names of these doctors/equipment are displayed their extra visits at particular day (or information about the lack of extra visits arranged to the doctor/equipment at this day). The names of the doctors/equipment who by schedule do not work that day are displayed in gray (however, they can make an extra visit). Doctors for whom a period of inactivity has been defined in a given clinic for a given period of time are ignored in the search results. Extra visits are displayed according to the scheme:

  • arranged and realized visits that do not require supplement the information or verification are displayed in green
  • arranged and realized visits that require supplement the information or verification (attach referrals, join the insurance document, settlement of payments, fulfillment of required documents) are displayed in red
  • unrealized visits are displayed in gray

In the bottom of the page is displayed the form for arrange a new extra visit.

In the search form visible at the top of the page there are in addition the following navigation buttons:

  • <<< - allows to view the schedule on a month earlier than the current presented day
  • << - allows to view the schedule on a week earlier than the current presented day
  • < - allows to view the schedule on a day earlier than the current presented day
  • "Change date" - allows one to view any day, which should be indicated in the date field before pressing the "Change date" button
  • “Today” - alows one to view today's day
  • > - allows to view the schedule on a day later than the current presented day
  • >> - allows to view the schedule on a week later than the current presented day
  • >>> - allows to view the schedule on a month later than the current presented

Clicking on any of the above buttons changes the view of schedule for the appropriate day to which the button leads.

To arrange a new extra visit should using the form at the top of the page, go to the correct date on which the extra visit has to be arranged (if this is a different day than the one currently presented). Then, in form visible at the bottom of the page indicate staff/equipment to which the extra visit has to be arranged, time of visit (by default current time is set), surgery (choice of surgery is only required for extra visits to staff; if there is only one surgery in the clinic it is automatically selected), type of visit (if there is any default type of visit for this clinic it is automatically selected) and kind of visits (default kind of visit in the clinic is selected automatically) and click "Arrange an additional visit" button. When you press this button then the process of arranging additional visits starts and it looks identical to the process of arranging scheduled visits described in the "Scheduled visits in clinic" chapter. In the case of planning commercial visits in clinics / wards in which the default price list has been defined, in addition to the "Arrange an additional visit" button, the "Arrange an additional visit (use default price list)" button appears, which allows you to shorten the appointment process by automatically selecting the default price list.

The "Extra visits" functionality also provides support for prearranged extra visits. When you click on arranged additional visit there opens a window with the details of the visit, in which under the basic information about the visit, there is information about signed up patient. At each patient there are presented information about the status of the visit, the deficiency relating to the visit and action buttons that are identical to those described in the "Scheduled visits in clinic" section.