ICD9 / ICD10

ICD9/ICD10 001.jpg

ICD9 / ICD10 The "ICD9 / ICD10" tab allows the doctor to register diagnosed recognitions and procedures during the visit. To enter the recognitions / procedure in field recognitions / procedures start typing the code or the name of the sought recognition / procedure. After entering at least two letters there is displayed a list of hints - proper recognition / procedure should be selected by clicking on the list of hints and approving by the button with "+" sign - then the recognition / procedure will be appended to the visit card. One can enter multiple recognitions / procedures (one of the recognitions can be entered as the main one, the others as coexisting). At each recognition / procedure appended to the visit card, there are "x" buttons which allow to remove a recognition / procedure. (For visits / surgeries realized by more than one person from staff, each person realizing the visit will see the recognitions / procedures introduced both by themselves and by other people realizing the visit but the "x" will be available only at the recognitions / procedures introduced by himself). The main recognition is bolded. In addition, the tab provides the option of entering and viewing information about a patient's chronic diseases. This information is visible to all doctors and any doctor can modify it. After making changes to the patient's chronic disease information, save it by clicking the "✓" button.

The "Back" and "Next" buttons visible at the bottom of the tab allow you to switch accordingly to previous and next tabs in the visit card.