Orders for diagnostic and microbiological tests.

Orders - Surgery 008.jpg

The „Orders” tab allows the doctor to issue orders for diagnostic and microbiological tests. Within the “Orders” tab there is history of orders from the last year (if any were issued to the patient) and a list of issued orders (if any has been issued) and the button “Add order” (if only the internal or only external collection point functions in the system) or the buttons "Add order (internal collection point)" and "Add order (external collection point)" (if the system has both internal and external collection points).

In the case of orders for an internal collection point, after clicking on the "Add order" / "Add order (internal collection point)" button there appears new window with two tabs “Refunded examinations” (examinations marked as refunded within the dictionary; this tab is available only for staff of type doctor only in basic health care clinics only for public visits), “Non-refunded examinations” (all examinations defined within the dictionary) and tabs corresponding to each of defined examination ranges (examinations assigned to particular ranges). Next to each of examinations there is a field allowing to mark examination to be ordered.

In case of refunded examinations marking examinations in excess of a limit set in surgery room configuration effects with a warning. Warning does not disable possibility to issue an order, it is only a hint for ordering doctor.

In case of non-refunded examinations by each examination there is price for an examinatoin (if it has been defined within price list) – marking or marking off an examination effects in automatic update of total price for examinations visible below the list of examinations. (WARNING! Total price of examinations will be increased by base price for each issued order – examinations are automatically divided into orders). For non-refunded examinations there is a field in which after entering part of examination name (at least three characters) there appears list of suggestions with names of examinations and clicking on examination within the list of suggestions leads to attaching this examination to list of examinations to be ordered.

Tabs corresponding to defined examination ranges act the same way as the tab of „Non-refunded examinations” except that there is no suggestions mechanism within them, and there are buttons to mark/unmark all examinations.

After selecting examinations to order, an order should be created by using the "Save orders" or "Print orders" button (depending on system configuration). When you press "Save orders" button the window with list of marked examinations is being automatically closed and created order (or created orders because depending on system’s configuration examinations can be divided into several orders) appears within orders list with two icons: to download / print order and to edit order. When to create orders was used "Print orders" button the window with list of marked examinations is being automatically closed and created order (or created orders because depending on system’s configuration examinations can be divided into several orders) appears within orders list with two icons: to download / print order and to edit order, moreover the file with all created orders to print immediately opens.

In the case of orders for an external collection point, after clicking on the "Add order" / "Add order (external collection point)" button there appears new window with tab “All examinations” (all examinations defined within the dictionary) and tabs corresponding to each of defined examination ranges (examinations assigned to particular ranges). Next to each of examinations there is a field allowing to mark examination to be ordered.

After selecting examinations to order, an order should be created by using the "Save orders" or "Print orders" button (depending on system configuration). When you press "Save orders" button the window with list of marked examinations is being automatically closed and created order (or created orders because depending on system’s configuration examinations can be divided into several orders) appears within orders list with two icons: to download / print order and to edit order. When to create orders was used "Print orders" button the window with list of marked examinations is being automatically closed and created order (or created orders because depending on system’s configuration examinations can be divided into several orders) appears within orders list with two icons: to download / print order and to edit order, moreover the file with all created orders to print immediately opens.

After clicking on the "Print order" icon at ordered examinations, there opens a PDF document enables to print order to give to the patient. Orders are printed on paper in the format of prescription. Orders have automatically assigned an internal bar code (displayed in the top right corner of the order print), which helps to identify the order in the system.

After clicking on thr „Edit order” icon at ordered examinations, there opens order form identical as for addition of new order but with marked examinations contained within the order what allows for modification of the order contents (changes made to the order one has to confirm with button „Save changes”).

The "Back" and "Next" buttons visible at the bottom of the tab allow you to switch accordingly to previous and next tabs in the visit card.