
Disposals 001.jpg

The „Disposals” tab is used for issuing internal orders (disposals) to be performed by specific organizational units. In the tab, there is a list of disposals (if any have been issued) and a button for deleting a given disposal at each of them. Below you can see the disposal submission form. Disposals may only be issued by the main staff performing the visit.

There are four types of disposals:

  • admission to a ward – a disposal issued at the emergency room in case of a decision about admitting a patient to a hospital ward
  • transfer to a ward – a disposal issued in a ward if a decision is made to transfer a patient to another ward
  • discharge – disposal issued in a ward if a decision is made to discharge the patient and in case of death of the patient
  • performance od examination – disposal to perform a n examination (eg histopathological examination)

The specification of a disposal consists of an indication of its type, description and a cell which will be responsible for its implementation. In the case of a disposition of admission to a ward or transfer to a ward, the description of the disposal may contain instructions for the person executing the disposal, in the case of the examination order, the description of the disposal should contain the name of the examination to be performed. In the case of the disposal of admission to the ward, as the executing cell, the ward to be admitted should be indicated. In the case of disposal of transfer to a ward, as the executing cell, the ward to be transferred should be indicated. In the case of a discharge disposal, the ward on which the patient resides should be indicated as the implementing cell. In the case of the examination execution, as the execution cell, the clinic responsible for the execution of the commissioned study should be indicated.

To issue a disposal, indicate its type, description and implementing cell, and then click the "Issue disposal" button. The disposal will then be displayed in the appropriate place in the system:

  • the disposals of admission to the ward are displayed after selecting the "Admissions" functionality from the "Hospital" menu
  • disposals of transfer to a ward are displayed after selecting the "Admissions" functionality from the "Hospital" menu, and in special cases, access to them is also possible after selecting the "Ward" functionality from the "Hospital" menu
  • disposals for making a discharge are displayed after selecting the functionality "Discharges" from the "Hospital" menu, access to them is also possible after selecting the "Ward" functionality from the "Hospital" menu
  • examination execution disposals are displayed after selecting the "Orders" functionality from the "Surgery" menu and the results of their implementation in the history of visits, examinations and orders in the left column of the window of the visit to the doctor's office.

The "Back" and "Next" buttons visible at the bottom of the tab allow you to switch accordingly to previous and next tabs in the visit card.