eZWM - supply of medical products

eZWM 001.jpg

The "eZWM" tab is used to issue electronic orders for the supply of medical products (to be able to issue electronic orders for the supply of medical products, a properly configured eWUŚ account must exist in the system). In the upper part of the tab, a list of issued orders is displayed, below is the order entry form. To place an order, please complete the form. Depending on the type of provision selected, different parts of the form are available for completion. If the supply is eyeglass lenses, provide lens data and, if applicable, documentary evidence confirming entitlement to benefits and additional entitlements. In other cases, the correct product should be indicated first. The correct product is indicated by entering its code or the beginning of its name in the field "Group and order number od product" and selecting the product from the list of hints that appears after entering at least three characters. Then indicate location (if the product requires it) specify the quantity of the product (in the case of products issued on request) or the quantity for the month, month and initial year and the number of months (in the case of products issued on the monthly provision card), provide the justification code (ICD-10; when entering justification code or name, a list of hints appears - the correct justification should be selected from the list of hints), indicate the award criteria (default criteria for of a given product are automatically selected, inappropriate criteria should be deselected, additional criteria can be added by entering the beginning of the criterion name in the green field and selecting a criterion from the list of hints that appears after entering at least three characters) and enter any additional parameters (pregnancy week - required for dedicated products) for pregnant women, type of stoma and number of fistulas - required for stomy equipment, justification for shortened usage). Below the form there are three buttons:

  • Save order - saves the order data in the database, the order receives the status "new"
  • Save and send order - saves the order data in the database and sends the order to the NFZ, the order receives the status "registered"
  • Resign - deletes all data from the order data form (means resignation from saving the order data)

After pressing the "Save order" button, the order (if it did not contain errors) appears on the list of orders above the form in the "new" state. After pressing the "Save and send order" button, the order (if it did not contain errors) appears on the list of orders above the form in the "registered" state.

Three icons are visible with the order in the "new" state:

  • the arrow on the black background - the send icon - allows you to send the order to the NFZ
  • pencil on the background of a sheet of paper - the edit icon - allows you to modify the order
  • basket - delete icon - allows you to delete an order

To delete an order, click the delete icon and confirm your intention.

To modify the order, click the edit icon. Then the order data form will be filled with his data. After making changes, the order should be saved by clicking the "Save order" or "Save and send order" button.

To send the order to the NFZ, click the send icon. The system will then attempt to send the order to the NFZ. In case of failure, it will inform you about the reasons with an appropriate message. If successful, it will change the order status to "registered".

Two icons are visible with the order in the "registered" state:

  • the crossed out circle - the cancel icon - allows you to cancel an order in the NFZ
  • download symbol - download icon - allows to download an order document in PDF format from the National Health Fund

To cancel an order, click the cancel icon. The system will then attempt to cancel the order in the NFZ. In case of failure, it will inform you about the reasons with an appropriate message. If successful, it will change the order status to "canceled".

To download the order document, click the download icon. The system will then attempt to download the order in the NFZ and will enable it to be saved as a PDF file on your computer.

No icons are visible with the order in the "canceled" state.

The "Back" and "Next" buttons visible at the bottom of the tab allow you to switch accordingly to previous and next tabs in the visit card.