JHIS™ User interface languge setting.

  • PL - werjsa polskojęzyczna
  • EN - english version
  • UK - Готується українська версія, у підготовці

System jHIS™ has been developed in jPALIO™ 1 technology. It supports user interfcae language extensions, upgrades or modification on-fly.

The system has different language versions of the user interface. To switch between language versions use links with language codes visible in the page header (e.g. PL - Polish, EN - English). A link to the currently used language version is displayed in an enlarged font.


Proprietary technology created in 1999 and constantly developed by the TORN ™ company. jPALIO ™ based systems were or are used in many WIG 20 companies and state institutions, enterprises of key importance for Poland.