
Cash registers

“Cash registers” functionality from menu “Registration” is used for defining cash registers that work in healthcare center. Cash register is understood as set of paymentf for commercial visits realized within the specified group of clinics. After choosing this functionality there is list of defined cash registers displayed. By each of them there are buttons allowing to modify or delete the given cash register and under the list there is a button allowing to add new cash register.

To add new cash register one has to click the button “Add cash register”. After that form is displayed where one has to specify cash register name and mark clinics that cash register spreads over and then to confirm with a button “Add”.

To modify cash register data one has to click the button “Edit” by the given cash register within cash registers list. Cash register form displays then, which is the same as in case of new cash register addition except that is it filled with defined cash register data. One can enter modifications to the data, which one has to confirm with a button “Update” visible at the bottom of form.

To delete cash register data one has to click the button “Delete” by the given cash register within cash registers list. Cash register form displays then, which is the same as in case of defined cash register modification except that is it in readonly mode. Intention of deletion of cash register one has to confirm with a button “Delete” visible at the bottom of form.