Visit types

Visits types

Types of visits are used to classify visits (eg. first-time, standard, etc.), and also to specify the criteria for entry to visit (eg. session, home). Dictionary of visits’ types is available by selecting the "Visit types" functionality from the "Dictionaries" submenu in the "Administration" menu, which displays a list of all the clinics’ specialty occurring in the organizational structure of the healthcare facility.

After choosing specialty is displayed a form of adding a new type of visit and below, there is the list of all defined for a given specialty types of visits and at each of them, there is a button to edit or delete this type of visit.

For each of the types of visits you can specify the following parameters:

  • Destination - determines whether a type of visit is used for planning visits or for planning operations (default selection is "visit")
  • Group session - By default, all visits are individual (it is possible to sign up only one patient to visit), but if you select the "Group session" then for a visit you will be able to sign up more than one patient
  • Minimum patients’ number - if the "Group Session" field is checked then you must specify the minimum number of patients who have to be signed up for a visit so it can be executed
  • Maximum patients’ number - if the "Group Session" field is checked then you must specify 82 the maximum number of patients who can be signed up for a visit
  • Require surgery - option is selected by default. For outpatient visits must be specified surgery in which the visit is done; deselect this option for home visits
  • Possibility of video communication with patient - selecting this option allows to enable the video-consultation mode of the patient using the jHIS system portal with a doctor using the surgery module in the jHIS system; the option is not available for group sessions
  • Allow the occurrence of series - in the case of NFZ’s visits by default system operating in such a way that the patient can be signed up in just one visit to the specialization (for the next, it will be able to sign only when the first one will be done, it will be canceled or the date passes); checking the "Allow the occurrence of series" allows you to sign up for more than one NFZ’s visit (but every at other day); The field does not matter in case of commercial visits, at which records have no restrictions, neither in case of operations.
  • Allow for multiple visit to the same day - checking this box next to the former allows you to make records for more than one NFZ’s visit without limitation (so you can arrange any number of such visits, both on different days and on the same day); The field does not matter in case of commercial visits, at which records have no restrictions, neither in case of operations.
  • Color - allows to specify a color, that slots and the visit of that type will be highlighted in graphics and timetables; By default, the type of visit is not highlighted (is checked "none" option, which can be deselected and then there will be displayed a field of selecting color from the palette)
  • Urgent cases – at reporting to the NFZ first free dates for urgent cases (in the context of reporting waiting lists) will be taken into account only dates with types of visits at which selected this option
  • Stable cases – at reporting to the NFZ first free deadlines for stable cases (in the context of reporting waiting lists) will be taken into account only terms from types of visits at which selected this option

Type the visit marked as the default will be automatically selected when planning dates of admissions in work’s graphics of staff and equipment (with the possibility of changing to another if there is more than one type of visit).

To modify the type of visits, press "Edit" button at them - the form of adding a type of visits on top of the page changes to a form of editing selected type of visit – so just make changes and save them by pressing the "Update visit type" button. It is also possible on the basis of a particular type of visits to create a new type of making changes and confirm them by pressing the "Add visit type" button.