Commercial services

Commercial services

Dictionary of commercial services is defining a list of services provided for consideration by a health care facility. After selecting the "Commercial services" functionality from the "Dictionaries" submenu in the "Administration" menu, there is displayed a list of defined services, and at each of these, there are buttons for editing or deleting. Below the list, there is a button of adding a new service.

Each of these buttons leads to a form of service’s data, where you can specify its name, PKWiU code and the unit of measure used when issuing invoices for the realization of the service. If in the configuration of application is set a simplified version of the rehabilitation module with automatic price valuation for the surgeries (see the "Configuration" section), then for each of the services provided in rehabilitation outpatient should be indicated to which surgery from a catalog of rehabilitation services corresponds the commercial service that is necessary for automatically determining price of rehabilitation surgery. If commercial service is identical to diagnostic examination then one has to specify corresponding diagnostic examination (realization of such service during visit leads to include service price in visit price and to generate order for the corresponding diagnostic examination but without accounting payment for that examination). If the integration mechanisms of the jHIS system with the ZnanyLekarz website are enabled and the given service operates on the ZnanyLekarz website, then in the field "Service defined within ZnanyLekarz service" service should indicate the service corresponding to the given on ZnanyLekarz website. For the service, it is also possible to specify the resources necessary for its implementation. For each resource, specify the minimum and maximum number of pieces required to provide the service. By default, one row is displayed with fields for entering one resource. To enter more resources, use the "More" button, which each subsequent click will display the next row with fields for entering the next resource. Rows in which all fields for entering resource data will be left blank will be ignored when saving data.


Defining the resources necessary to perform the service will cause that the doctor in order to close a commercial visit will have to indicate the appropriate resources and in order for them to be able to do so, they will have to be put into store beforehand.

After completing the form or entering changes to the form, data must be confirmed by the button.