Administration units - accounting, controlling and budgeting

Administration units

After selecting the "Administration units" functionality from the "Administration" menu and the "Organizational structure" submenu, there is displayed search engine of administration units with an additional button for adding a new administration unit.

After clicking on the button for adding a new administration unit displays the form for adding a new unit. The units form the structure of the tree – each unit may (but need not) have one parent entity.

After completing the form of adding administration unit, press "Add" to save the information into the database.

To modify or remove administration unit, it should be found by using the search engine. Administration units are searched by name. In the browser, you can type part of the name (capitalization does not matter). After pressing the "Search" button, there are displayed, in the form of a tree branch, administration units meeting the search criteria with all subordinate units or there is displayed a message about the lack of such of units. If there are units meeting search criteria, then in the search results, when you hover your mouse over any unit, there are displayed "Edit" and "Delete" buttons.

Pressing the "Edit" button displays a form with the data of administration units, where you can enter and save the changes in the unit’s data. Pressing the "Delete" button will display the form with readonly data of administration unit, allowing to remove the unit. Removing the unit from the organizational structure of administration is possible only when there is no child of the unit and there is not any user assigned to the unit.