

Within jHIS system there are implemented mechanisms for reading temperatures from internet thermometers (currently TME thermometers are implemented). Temperature registration is made automatically every 30 seconds. Functionality “Thermometers” from menu “Administration” allows for management of thermometers being monitored. After choosing this functionality there appears list of thermometers being monitored and by each one of them there are the following buttons:

  • Monitor – allows to view registered temperature changes within last hour for a given thermometer
  • Edit – allows to modify thermometer data
  • Delete – allows to remove thermometer
  • Monthly report – allows to generate report as chart of temperature changes within arbitrarily chosen month
  • Daily report - allows one to generate a report in the form of a PDF file of temperature measurements on a selected day in a specific hourly period

Under the list of thermometers there is button “Add” allowing to add new thermometer.

After clicking the button of “Monitor” there appears a chart of temperature changes during last hour.

After clicking button “Add”, “Edit” or “Delete” there appears form of thermometer data (in case of thermometer addition it is empty, in case of thermometer data modification it is filled with thermometer data that can be modified, in case of thermometer deletion it is filled with thermometer data and displayed in readonly mode).

Within the form one has to specify thermometer name (pointing out its localization) and to choose model. If IP address or host or host with port is specified then thermometer will automatically be monitored and temperatures registered with it will be saved into system database. If critical temperature lower threshold is set, then temperature fall below this threshold will act with sending notification to specified mobile phone numbers. If delay time while exceeding critical temperature lower threshold is set then notification is sent if excess of critical temperature below lower threshold keeps through that time. If delay time while exceeding critical temperature lower threshold is not set or is set to zero, then notification is sent immediately after occurrence of excess of critical temperature below lower threshold. If delay time while exceeding critical temperature upper threshold is set then notification is sent if excess of critical temperature above upper threshold keeps through that time. If delay time while exceeding critical temperature upper threshold is not set or is set to zero, then notification is sent immediately after occurrence of excess of critical temperature above uppse threshold. Moreover if the attempt to read the temperature from the thermometer fails so many times in turn as indicated in the field "Number of consecutive lacks of response to state failure", then a notification about power failure/network/thermometer is sent.

After clicking “Monthly report” button, form with list of periods within which thermometer was monitored is displayed. After choosing period and clicking button “Generate” under the form, there appears link, which when clicked allows to download and print report in PDF format with chart of temperature changes within the selected period and table of temperature measurements every day of the month at 8:00 and 17:30 hours.

After clicking the "Daily report" button, the report generation form will be displayed. After selecting the day and, if necessary, indicating the range of hours and requesting the peak filtering and clicking the "Generate" button, a link appears below the form, which allows one to download and print a report in the form of a PDF file with a list of temperature measurements at a given period. If peak filtering is enabled, then the measurements for which it was not possible to read the value from the thermometer and the measurements with physically unattainable values are omitted in the statement.