Language versions

Language versions

The "Language versions" functionality is used to manage the language versions of the user interface and constant dictionaries used in the system. After selecting this functionality, the form for adding language versions is displayed with a list of language versions defined below. Each language version has "Deactivate" buttons (if the language version is active) or "Activate" (if the language version is inactive) and the "Delete" button. Below the list of language versions there is also the "Translations" button that allows you to go to the translation management page.

To add a new language version, select a language from the list and then click "Add". The language version added will appear as active in the list below the form. Active language versions are displayed in the header of each page of the jHIS™ system enabling the logged in user to switch between them. In order for the language version to stop being displayed in the page headers, it must be deactivated by clicking the "Deactivate" button next to the given language version on the list. The inactive version can be reactivated at any time by clicking the "Activate" button for the given language version on the list. Until user interface translations are introduced for a given language version, it is possible to remove it from the system by clicking the "Delete" button next to the given language version on the list.

To go to the translation management page, click the "Translations" button. A list of multilingual dictionaries will then be displayed. Each dictionary has a form for exporting translations of a given dictionary in the selected language version to a CSV file, while an identical form is available below the list of dictionaries to export translations of all dictionaries in the selected language version to a CSV file. After selecting the language version and clicking the "Export" button, the system generates a CSV file and allows you to save it to your computer. Such a file can be opened in any program that supports spreadsheets and entered translations into it. The data in the first four columns in the file must not be changed, only the data in the fifth column and thus the translation in a given language can be supplemented/modified. After completing/modifying translations from a CSV file, such file should be imported into the system using the form visible under the list of dictionaries. In this form, indicate the CSV file and click "Import". The system will then import the completed / modified translations from the specified CSV file.

It is not possible to manage user interface translations from the system level, as these translations are an integral part of the system source code.