Reporting bugs

To report a problem, bug, suggestion, etc., click on the "Report a bug" button placed in the footer of each page of the system. There will be opened window of reporting a new problem with the form in which mandatory fields are marked by an asterisk.

In CONTACT ADDRESS line there is user’s e-mail address, if the address has been entered in the user data in the jHIS system. Otherwise, there is the message about the lack of email address and need to contact the administrator to its entry.

In the TITLE field, enter the subject of the notification.

In the KEY WORDS field, you can specify additional words that describe the notification.

In the CATEGORY field, select the type of notification.

In the MODULE field, choose to which part of the system it relates.

In the PRIORITY field, there should be determined the urgency of the notification.

The field OBJECT is not in use (has been preserved because of the backwards compatibility).

The PAGE field is filled automatically (there is entered identifier of page in the system that caused the error).

In the DESCRIPTION field, specify a maximum fine details and circumstances of a problem.

In the ATTACHMENT field, there is the opportunity to add attachment associated with the notification.

After filling all the required fields, click "Send bug report" button. If the report will be stored in the database, blue message about the successful operation will appear (and the report will receive the REPORTED status). Otherwise, there will be a red message with information about an error. The window can be closed with the "Close" button.