Drug interactions

Drug interactions

The "Drug interactions" functionality from "Surgery" menu is intended for management of drug interactions and interactions between drugs and other agents. After choosing this functionality there appears search form allowing to find defined interactions with single field of inquiry where one can enter beginning of name of interacting drug / agent (search is case insensitive). After entering name and clicking button “Search” there appears list of defined interactions and by each of them there are buttons “Edit” and “Remove”. Interactions within the search results are emphasized with colors depending on tre strength: strong – red, normal – orange, weak – yellow. Moreover under the search form there is a button “Add” allowing to add new interaction.

To add new interaction one has to click the button “Add” under the search form. Then form for addition of new interaction appears. Interaction can be defined between drug with the given trade name of international name and drug with the given trade name of international name or agent defined within the dictionary of interaction agents. To enter each of interaction elements one has to mark its type and then start to enter its name within the tex field – system displays list of suggestions then and one has to choose an appropriate option within this list by clicking on it, after that one has to enter interaction description (professional - for doctors and consumer - for patients), choose its strength and save data by clicling the button “Add”. As multiple drugs with different trade names can have the same international name, so defining interaction using international names actually means defining the whole class of interactions between multiple drugs.

To modify interaction data one has to click the button “Edit” by the given interaction within the list of search results. Then system displays form that allows to change description and strength of the interaction. After entering changes one has to save them by clicking the button “Save”.

To delete interaction one has to click the button “Remove” by the given interaction within the list of search results. System displays then form allowing to confirm one's intention to remove interaction. To confirm one's intention to remove interaction one has to click the button “Remove”.