The functionality of "EHR access matrix " in the "Surgery" menu is used to define the level of visibility of Electronic Health Records from particular clinics for doctors of particular professions. Each cell of the matrix is a selection list that specifies how the range of the visits in clinics of specialty given at the beginning of the column is seen by the doctor with a specialization given at the beginning of the line. There are four levels of visibility:
By default all levels of visibility are set on „Full access”.
Due to the size of the matrix for easy orientation in it when you hover your mouse over any cell of the matrix there is displayed a hint to which specialty of doctors and specialty of clinics the cell of matrix refers.
Any changes made in the matrix appears above the matrix on a blue background creating a list of modified components of the item. To confirm the changes click "Save" button, to cancel the changes, use the "Cancel" button.
The levels of visibility entered in the matrix are taken into account when presenting the history of visits in the window of visit in doctor’s surgery.