Medical devices

Medical devices supply

The functionality of „Devices” from „NHF” menu is intended for coding of orders for provision with medical devices and for managing of already registered data. After choosing this functionality there appears search form with additional button „Add” that allows to register data of new order.

If healthcare company has an contract with National Health Fund (NHF) for realization of profvision with medical devices then each realized order for provision need to be registered within the jHIS system to do settlements with NHF. To register order one has to click the button „Add” under the search form. Then, within new window, system displays form, where one has to choose contract (if only one contract exists it is automatically chosen), contract position (if only one contract position exists it is automatically chosen) and place of delivery (if only one place exists it is automatically chosen).

After specifying the above data and clicking the button „Next” there appears form for data of order.

This form is composed of five sections:

  • data of patient (person for whom order has been realized)
  • data of ordering staff (person that issued order)
  • data of ordering entity (entity wher person that issued order is employed)
  • data of document (order)
  • data of device (provision)

If patient, for whom order has been realized, is not within the database of healthcare company, then one has to enter his data manually (only PESEL only in case when patient has it is required). If patient is within the database of healthcare company, then his data can be entered by clicking button of „Insert”. New window opens then with patients search form where after entering search criteria one can search for patients from database. By each of patients found there is a button „Insert” which when clicked inserts data into order form and closes window for patient choice. (Button „Delete” by patient data is intented to delete data from form fields with patient data.)

If staff, who issued order, is not within the database of healthcare company, then one has to enter his data manually (only RTPN or PESEL and type are required). If staff is within the database of healthcare company, then his data can be entered by clicking button of „Insert”. New window opens then with staff search form where after entering search criteria one can search for staff from database. By each of staff found there is a button „Insert” which when clicked inserts data into order form and closes window for staff choice. (Button „Delete” by staff data is intented to delete data from form fields with staff data.)

If ordering entity is own healthcare company, then it is enough to click the button „Onw” and system inserts its identification data to the form, else data need to be entered manually (it is required to enter at least one of identifiers: REGON number od register book number.) (Button „Clear” by entity data is intended to delete data from fields with entity data.)

Document and device data one has to enter manually on the basis of order document.

After entering data one has to save them by clicking the button „Add”. If form has not been filled correctly system informs about this fact with an appropriate message and allows to correct/fill data. If form has been filled correctly system displays confirmation and three amounts: value of device from order, value of refund that NFZ is to return and surcharge that patient has to pay.

After clicking the button „Finish”, the window is being closed.

To find data of provision from already registered orders one has to specify search criteria within the search form and then to click the button „Search”. Searching is possible with any combination of the following criteria:

  • patient – within this field one can enter the beginning of name, beginning of surname, and/or PESEL number od patient for whom order has been realized, search is case insensitive
  • staff – within this field one can enter the beginning of name, beginning of surname, and/or RTPN number od staffthat issued order, search is case insensitive
  • document type
  • document number
  • document issueing date – time period when order document was issued
  • document acceptance data – time period when order document was accepted for realization
  • agreement – contract with NHF in case of which order has been realized
  • service range – service range from contract with NHF in case of which order has been realized
  • device type
  • product
  • delivery date – time period when device has been delivered to the patient / repaired
  • place of delivery – place where patient received bought/repaired device

After entering criteria and clicking button „Search” under the form there appears list of devices matching the search criteria. Device statuses are emphasized with colors:

  • entered – white – data not yet sent to NHF
  • sent – yellow – data sent to NHF, waiting for verification
  • accepted – data sent to NHF, verified positive
  • rejected – data sent to NHF, verified negative

Moreover within the column of device status there can appear phrase „(corrected)” - this way positions modified after settlement are marked (it means positions modified after import of invoice template – ZRZ file) so for these positions it is necessary to pass correcting ZPX message to NHF.

By each position within search results list there is checkbox field intended to delete data od multiple devices at once – after selecting the specified positions and clicking the button „Delete marked devices”, marked devices are deleted. (NOTICE! By default all positions within each of subpages of results list are marked.) Below the list, the "Export to XLS" button is also displayed, which allows you to download the list as an XLS file.

By each position within results list where can be up to three buttons:

  • Edit – allows to modify registered data
  • Delete – allows to delete registered data
  • View – allows to preview registered data

Buttons „Edit” and „Delete” are not available by the data sent to NHF and waiting for verification.

To modify registered data one has to click button „Edit” by the given position in search results. Then within new window there opens form with order data, whicg one can modify and then accept changes by clicking button „Save”. If modified device has status of „accepted” or „rejected” then under the form there is list of informations, warnings and errors notified by NHF.

To delete device one has to click the button „Delete” by the given position within results list. After confirmation system deletes given device.

To preview data of device one has to click button „View” by the given position within results list. Then form with order data appears in read only mode.