Numbers reservation/cancelation (eZLA)

Numbers reservation/cancelation (eZLA)

The functionality "Numbers reservation / cancelation (eZLA)" from the "Staff" menu is used to reserve / cancel medical exemption numbers on the eZLA platform. In order for a doctor to be able to issue a patient exemption in any situation (no access to the Internet, no access to the eZLA platform, ...), he should pre-book some numbers for exemptions for such situations on the eZLA platform. To do this, one should enter the quantity of numbers to be reserved withinin the form and click "Reserve". Reserved numbers will appear in the list below the form. Then the doctor can select the numbers on the list and click the "Print marked" button to print blank forms of exemptions with these numbers (to be completed in paper version and subsequent electronisation after regaining access to the eZLA platform; exemption number after its electronisation disappears from the list of reserved numbers) . If specific numbers are not used, they should be canceled by marking selected numbers on the list, indicating the reason for the cancelation, specifying the substantion for the cancelation and clicking the "Annul marked" button.