Supplies of benefit realization means

Supplies of benefit realization means

Functionality “Supplies” from submenu “Benefit realization means” within menu “Staff” is intended to take supplies of means into stores and to approve interstore transfers. After choosing this functionality there appears form for searching supplies already taken into stores and interstore transfers awaiting for approval. Under the seach form there is also button allowing for taking new supply into store.

To take new supply into store one has to click button “New supply” under search form. Then system displays form to enter data of supply and supplied batches of means. By default single row is displayed to enter single batch of means. If supply covers more than one batch of means then one has to use the button “More means” - every click of this button leads to display consecutive row to enter consecutive batch of means. When entering purchase net price, purchase net value, purchase gross price and purchase gross value are calculated automatically, similarly when entering purchase gross price, purchase net price, purchase net value and purchase gross value are calculated automatically (VAT rate is taken from dictionary of benefit realization means). On a regular basis there is also updated value within the field of “TOTAL” - total purchase gross amount of means.

After filling the form one has to save data by clicking the button “Add”. Supply taken into store this way gets status of approved and means contained in it increase store state.

Within the supplies search results by found supplies there can appear the following buttons:

  • Edit – button that allows for modification of supply data (it is available only for supplies not being a consequence of the interstore transfers from which means haven't been started to be used yet)
  • Delete – button that allows for removal of supply (it is available only for supplies not being a consequence of the interstore transfers from which means haven't been started to be used yet)
  • Approve – button that allows for approval of supply (it is available only for yet not approved supplies being an effect of interstore transfers)
  • Resign – button that allows for return of supply to source store (it is available only for yet not approved supplies being an effect of interstore transfers)
  • Details – button that allows for previewing supply data

To modify supply data one has to click the button „Edit” by the given supply within the list. Then system displays form identical as one used to take new supply except that it is filled with data of given supply. After making changes one has to save data by clicking the button „Update”.

To delete supply one has to click the button „Delete” by the given supply within the list. Then system displays form identical as one used to edit supply data except that it is displayed in read only mode. Intention of supply deletion one has to confirm by clicking the button „Delete”.

To approve supply one has to click the button „Approve” by the given supply within the list. Then system displays form identical as one used to edit supply data except that it is displayed in read only mode. Intention of supply approval one has to confirm by clicking the button „Approve”. Means from approved supply increase store state.

To return supply to source store one has to click the button „Resign” by the given supply within the list. Then system displays form identical as one used to edit supply data except that it is displayed in read only mode. Intention of supply resignation one has to confirm by clicking the button „Resign”. Means from the supply are returned to source store states.

To preview details of supply one has to click the button „Details” by the given supply within the list. Then system displays form identical as one used to edit supply data except that it is displayed in read only mode.