Interstore resources transfers

Interstore resources transfers

The "Interstore transfers" functionality from the "Resources" submenu in the "Staff" menu is used to transfer resources between stores. After selecting this functionality, a list of resource types is displayed, with a "Choose" button next to each one.

To start handling interstore transfers, click the "Choose" button next to the type of resources. A list of stores will be displayed, with "History" and "Choose" buttons next to each.

After clicking the "History" button next to a given store, a new window opens with the history of transferring resources to (positive quantities) and from (negative quantities) of that store.

After clicking the "Choose" button next to a given store, the status of this store is displayed and a form enabling the transfer of resources from this store to another.

After completing the form, confirm your intention to make the transfer by clicking on the "Do interstore transfer" button. After clicking this button, the state of the store from which the transfer takes place is reduced by the set amount of resources. At the same time, an unapproved delivery to the store is generated to which the resources are to be transferred. In order for the resources to enter the state of the target store, such delivery must be found and confirmed using the "Supplies" functionality from the "Resources" submenu in the "Staff" menu as described in one of the previous chapters.