Resources expire date cautions

Resources expire date cautions

The "Cautions" functionality from the "Resources" submenu in the "Staff" menu is used to view (and configure for authorized users) warnings regarding the expiry dates of the resources. After selecting this functionality, a list of resources is displayed, whose expiry date ends within the number of days specified by the authorized user, and if the logged-in user has the appropriate permissions over the list of resources, a form appears that allows determining how many days before the end of the validity of the resources, the system will alert users about this.

To change the number of days for which users should be notified before the end of validity of the resource, indicate the appropriate number of days and click "Save".

If the user has the privilege of being warned about the expiration of resource expiration dates and there are resources whose expiration dates are expiring, then after logging into the system instead of the main page appropriate for the given user, a warning page will be displayed.