External staff and units database

External staff and units database

The functionality of “External staff and units database” within “Registration” menu is for creation of database of doctors working within other health care centers and issuing referrals with units they are working at. Creating of such a database simplifies entering into the system the referrals issued by external staff. After choosing this functionality list of doctors appears and by each of them there are two buttons “Edit” and “Delete”. Below the list of doctors there appears button “Add”.

To add new doctor into database one has to click the button “Add”. Then there appears form to enter data of doctor and unit he works at. After entering data and clicking button “Add” doctor is added into database and he appears within the list of doctors.

To modify doctor data one has to click the button „Edit” by an appropriate doctor within the list. Then there appears the same form as when adding doctor except that is is filled with doctor data. After making changes one has to confirm them by clicking he button „Update” visible below the form.

To delete doctor one has to click the button „Delete” by an appropriate doctor within the list. Then there appears the same form as when adding doctor except that is is filled with doctor data and it is visible in read only mode. One has to confirm ones intention to delete the doctor by clicking the button „Delete” visible below the form.