Additional information


In the "Information" tab there is a form with the following additional information about the patient:

  • workplace data
  • Personal Identification Number (UE) – Patient ID in the European Union
  • Foreigner insurance agreement number - this number is used to identify the foreigner who does not have your social security number but having a contract for voluntary health insurance at referring POZ declaration of such foreigner to the NFZ
  • Foreigner identity document country - the name is used to identify the foreigner who does not have your social security number and who does not have health insurance contract at referring POZ declaration of such foreigner to the NFZ
  • Foreigner payer NIP - this number is used to identify the foreigner who does not have your social security number and who does not have health insurance contract at referring POZ declaration of such foreigner to the NFZ
  • Is foreigner refugee - designation is used to identify the foreigner who does not have your social security number and who does not have health insurance contract at referring POZ declaration of such foreigner to the NFZ
  • patient type - membership of the patient to a specific group
  • assent authorizing patient to use clinics for children - check that the patient has an assent authorizing him to use the clinic for children together with the content and duration of the assent
  • comments – any additional comments about patient

Under the form, there are following buttons:

  • Save – save changes and remain in the "Information" tab of patient’s card
  • Save and exit – save changes and return to the search engine of patients
  • Cancel – undo the changes and remain in the "Information" tab of patient’s card
  • Back to patients search – back to search engine of patients without saving changes

Independently from used saving button before saving data to a database system verifies their correctness. In case of irregularities displays an error message indicating what should be corrected in the form. In case of such message data in the form should be corrected according to the message and retry to save. Correct saving ends with a message about the successful completion of the operation, displays form of patient’s additional information (when to save the data is used "Save" button), or displays a message about the successful completion of the operation and search engine of patients (when to save the data is used the "Save and exit" button).