
The jHIS system has been integrated with the scanner via an FTP server. The FTP server must be running on the same machine as the jHIS system. The scanner must be able to scan to FTP and give its own file name. Scan to FTP should be configured in the scanner by specifying the address of the FTP server, login and password of the user and the path to the directory on the FTP server where the scans are to be stored. When scanning a document, give it a name whose first eleven characters are the PESEL number of the patient to whom the document refers, the next character/characters immediately following the PESEL number (without a separator) are the document destination code (e.g. 53121927648H). Scanned documents are saved to the "History" tab in the patient's file. For such a record to be possible, in the dictionary of information types in the patient's history, there must be a type of information with the field "Save scans with this code to the patient's history with this type of information" filled in - the code entered in this field must be consistent with the destination code entered in the name of the scan (Capitalization does not matter). Scans with names given according to the described scheme (e.g. 53121927648H) are automatically imported from FTP by the jHIS system (and removed from FTP!). Scans that for some reason have not been imported (name inconsistent with the scheme, no patient with a given PESEL number, etc.) are available after selecting the "Scanner" functionality from the "Registration" menu - there is a possibility to view, correct names and delete scans.