Scheduled visits in clinic

Scheduled visits

After selecting from the "Visits" menu the “Scheduled visits in clinic” functionality there is displayed search engine of available dates and arranged today visits in clinics located in the units, which are accessible for the logged user. The first step is to choose a clinic and click "Search" button. If there are any timetables of work of the staff or equipment in the clinic (even empty), then the page displays a grid of timetable (otherwise displays an appropriate message) and above the grid there is name and address of unit where searched clinic is placed with buttons “Earlier free terms” and “Later free terms”. The grid has a column corresponding to all employees and equipment for which there are timetables of work in the clinic, excluding those staff members for whom a period of inactivity has been defined in a given clinic for a given period of time. Rows correspond in turn to possible hours of visits (grid is limited to the clinic’s working hours and every hour is divided into 12 parts for 5 minutes). At the grid there are marked all the available dates and visits according to the scheme

  • reserved dates are displayed in black
  • future available dates are displayed in blue
  • past available dates are displayed in gray
  • future availabilities of personnel / equipment to handle patients / carry out operations are displayed in yellow
  • past availabilities of personnel / equipment to handle patients / carry out operations are displayed in brown
  • arranged visits that do not require supplement the information or verification are displayed in green; in case of visits carried out jointly by several people from staff, visit displays in green at that person from staff at who it was planned and in emerald at other people corealizing a visit; in the case of commercial visits for which payment is made after the visit, but before the visit at least a partial amount is known, the visit header is displayed in the form of a green-red gradient (and in case of co-realization of visit in the form of emeraldcherry gradient)
  • arranged visits that require supplement the information or verification (attach referral, attach an insurance document, settlement of payments, adding more patients in the case of group sessions which have not saved a set of patients, cancel the visit because of changes in work timetable of doctor or equipment) are displayed in red; in case of visits carried out jointly by several people from staff, visit displays in red at that person from staff at who it was planned and in cherry at other people co-realizing a visit
  • if the type of the visit appropriate for a given free date or appointed visit has defined color of highlighting, then in the upper right corner of the date / visit there is displayed spot in this color
  • if the visit has been marked as realized, then the sign appears next ✓ to the slot title on a green background
  • if the visit has been marked as unrealized then the ✗ sign appears next to the slot title on a red background
  • if the visit is an occupational medicine visit, the ✻ sign appears next to the slot title on the purple background
  • if the visit requires payment of a fee and has not been paid or has not been fully paid, then the € sign appears on the slot title on a brown background
  • if the visit requires a declaration and the patient does not have it, then the Ø sign appears on the slot title on a navy blue background
  • if the visit was arranged via the ZnanyLekarz website, then the ★ sign appears on the slot title on an orange background
  • if the visit has been assigned the NHF service (in the case of a planned visit - pre-assigned by registration, in the case of a completed visit - finally assigned when coding the visit), and for this service in the dictionary of NHF services the color of the highlight was defined, then next to the slot title the ⊙ sign appears on the background of a color such as the highlight color of the assigned NHF service

When you move the mouse cursor over a free date, availability or an appointment, in a tooltip there is displayed detailed information about the date, availability or visit accordingly (quick view).


The "Earlier free terms" button allows you to display with one click the previous day before the currently displayed date, in which there is any available term (the search for a free term applies only to future dates, the dates of group sessions with too small number of patients are not considered free). In case the earlier free term does not exist, clicking on the button displays an appropriate message below the button.

The "Later free terms" button allows you to display with one click the next day after the currently displayed date, in which there is any available term (the search for a free term applies only to future dates, the dates of group sessions with too small number of patients are not considered free). In case the later free term does not exist, clicking on the button displays an appropriate message below the button.

In the form above the grid there are in addition the following navigation buttons:

  • <<< - allows to view the schedule on a month earlier than the current presented day
  • << - allows to view the schedule on a week earlier than the current presented day
  • < - allows to view the schedule on a day earlier than the current presented day
  • "Change date" - allows one to view any day, which should be indicated in the date field before pressing the "Change date" button
  • “Today” - alows one to view today's day
  • > - allows to view the schedule on a day later than the current presented day
  • >> - allows to view the schedule on a week later than the current presented day
  • >>> - allows to view the schedule on a month later than the current presented

Clicking on any of the above buttons changes the view of schedule for the appropriate day to which the button leads.

Clicking on a free date on the grid of schedule begins the process of making an appointment for this term. At first, there appears a window with basic information about the visit and with two or three buttons:

  • Change kind of visit - before signing up for a visit, it is possible to change the type of visits (for NFZ’s - if the visit is commercial or for commercial if the visit is NFZ’s)
  • Continue sign up for a visit - allows to start the process of signing up for a visit
  • Continue sign up for a visit (use default pricelist) - allows to start the process of signing up for a visit with the automatic selection of the default price list (the button is available only for commercial visits and only in the clinics where the default price list has been created)


Continuing the process of signing up for a visit there is displayed a search engine of patients, which is using to search for a patient, for whom the visit will be arranged. The search basis on rules described in the "Patients (active cards)" section, additionally for each of the patients from the list of patients that meets your search criteria as well as in each tab of the patient’s card there is an extra button - "Continue sign up for a visit," which allows you to continue the process of signing up the indicated patient for a visit. There is also the possibility to edit data in the card of patient.


After selecting the patient (pressing "Continue sign up for a visit" button), the system checks whether the visit can be set for this patient (eg. for a visit in gynecological-obstetric clinics can be saved only women, for visit in clinics for children can be saved only people up to 18 years of age or having a special permission, etc.). If the visit cannot be arranged there is the appropriate message notifying about it and the system asks to select another patient. If the patient can be signed up for a visit, the signing process continues.

If a patient has outstanding payments and/or scheduled visits, the system displays the patient's outstanding payments and/or scheduled visits. The person registering the patient for a visit decides at this point whether to book the patient for another visit (despite outstanging payments or in a situation where the patient has already planned visit at the same clinic) or to interrupt the process of registering for a visit. For patients who do not have any outstanding payments nor planned visits, this step is skipped.


The next step is to indicate a referral for visit (this step is skipped in case of visits at the clinic where a referral is not required). In this step there is displayed the form of adding a referral with buttons dependent of the type of visit:

  • In case of NFZ’s visits
    • Add and continue signing up for visit - adds to the patient’s card a referral with the data entered by the registrar, checks whether it can be used to signing up a patient for a visit (date of issue of referral must be earlier than the date of issuing visit, a referral must be addressed to a clinic where visit has to be arranged) and if so, it proceed to the next step, and if not, it reports an error and remains at the step of referral selection
    • Skip referral (to complete later) and continue – allows to skip adding a referral at this point and continue to sign up for the visit (eg. if the registrar signing up the patient for visit during a phone call, then it will be able to enter the data from referral only when the patient will bring them when come on visit), but the doctor will not be able accept that saved patient until he denounce a referral, which registrar will enter to the system
    • Urgent visit – allows to skip adding a referral in a situation when it is sudden, lifesaving visit - such a visit will be carried out without a referral and the patient will be signing up despite the lack of referral
    • E-referral - the button allows you to download an e-referral from the P1 platform, on the basis of which the visit will be arranged
  • In case of commercial visits
    • Add and continue signing up for visit - adds to the patient’s card a referral with the data entered by the registrar, checks whether it can be used to signing up a patient for a visit (date of issue of referral must be earlier than the date of issuing visit, a referral must be addressed to a clinic where visit has to be arranged) and if so, it proceed to the next step, and if not, it reports an error and remains at the step of referral selection
    • Continue without referral - allows to skip the step of entering a referral (when the commercial visit is carried out without a referral) and continue the process of signing up 333 for a visit
    • E-referral - the button allows you to download an e-referral from the P1 platform, on the basis of which the visit will be arranged

Rules for adding referrals are described in "Referrals" of the "Patients (active cards)" chapter.

On the other hand, to make an appointment based on an e-referral (not yet downloaded from the P1 platform), click the "E-referral" button. A new window will then open, where you must enter the 4- digit e-referral PIN (and in the case of test environments the 44-digit e-referral key) and click the "Download" button. If the e-referral data can be downloaded from the P1 platform, its data will be displayed. Clicking on the "Accept" button will use this e-referral to make an appointment. By clicking the "Skip" button, you will skip the appointment selection step.


Furthermore, below the form of addition of a referral there is displayed a list of all referrals entered to the card of each patient (including e-referrals previously downloaded from the P1 platform). Clicking on information about any of the referrals develops a form of data of such referral (ereferrals are marked with a clear word "E-REFERRAL"). Above form appears the information if it is a referral available to use for just arranging visit or not. Referral is available if the date of issue of referral is earlier than the date of just arranging visit, a referral is addressed to the clinic where the visit has to be arranged and the type of visit allows you to reuse a referral for a visit if it was already used. In addition, above the form of referral may display information about the sets of equipment / patient needed to carry out the surgery / operation in case of referrals to surgery / operation (please pay attention to this information in order to choose the appropriate referral for arranging surgery / operation because the arranging surgery / operation will involve with the need to prepare appropriate equipment / patient!). Under the form there is the "Select and continue signing up for visit" button, which allows you to continue the process of signing up for a visit on the basis of the referral.


The next step in the process of signing up for visit is to fill documents. This step occurs only if the visit is arranging on basis of a referral and with referral are associated documents to fill out and they were not yet completed. In this case displays a list of documents that have to be completed.


At each unfilled document there is the "Fill" button to display a form to fill in the document, and at every filled document there is the "View" button to download the document in PDF format and print it. As long as there is at least one document to fill out so long under the list of documents is displayed the "Skip filling (to fill later) and continue" button to allow the omission the step of filling documents (eg. At arranging visits over the telephone), but you will need to supplement these documents after the already arranging visit, that the visit could be realized.

To fill the document, click the "Fill" button at them. There will be displayed a form for completing the document, which, after entering the data have to be saved by clicking "Save" button.


After saving data of the document there will be displayed again a list of documents at the referral. Once all the documents from the list will be filled, the "Skip filling (to fill later) and continue" button disappears from under the list of documents and in its place appears the "Continue signing up for a visit" button, which clicked takes you to the next step of the process.

The next step in the process of arranging visit is to verify the patient’s declaration. Checking whether the patient has this declaration at the clinic where he is trying to sign up is taking place only in case of NFZ’s visits at signings to POZ clinic (in all other cases, this step is skipped). If the patient has a proper declaration then the system automatically goes to the next step of the process. If the patient does not have such a declaration, system displays the form of adding the declaration and asks for its entering. Rules for adding a declaration are described in "Referrals" of "Patients (active cards)" chapter.

In justified cases (eg. lifesaving visit or a patient from another province), you can omit the declaration and admission, despite its absence. Then, instead of filling the data form of the declaration and approve it by pressing the "Add and continue signing up for visit" use the button "Skip and continue signing up for visit" without filling out a form.

In the case of public visits to the BHC in a situation where the patient's card is missing required authorizations, the next step in the process of appointing visit becomes the emtering of such authorizations. The form for entering authorizations is displayed. If it is necessary to arrange a visit without the authorization, then use the "Skip and continue signing up for a visit" button, leaving the form blank. In case of entering authorizations, after filling in the form, you must approve it by clicking the "Add and continue signing up for a visit" button. The system will display the form for entering authorizations until all required types of authorizations are entered.


If the required authorizations are entered, then after clicking the "Add and continue signing up for visit" button, the system will display a button enabling downloading them as a PDF file and printing ("Print issued authorizations") and a button enabling the next step of the process ("Forward").


The next step in the appointing visit process is entering the patient into the admission schedule / waiting queue. This step occurs only in the case of NHF visits to specialist clinics where schedules / queues have been defined (in all other cases, this step is omitted). This step displays a form and two buttons:

  • Enter - the button enters the patient to the schedule / queue in accordance with the data entered into the form
  • Do not enter - the button skips adding the patient to the schedule / queue


Depending on the used button, the system does or does not enter the patient to waiting queue and proceeds to the next step of the process of arranging visit, which is to display the pricelist of service at the clinic. This step occurs only in case of commercial visits. Except when the appointment process has been started using the "Continue signing up for a visit (use default pricelist)" button, at first there is displayed a list of available pricelists (in force at the clinic at day of arranging visit), from which you should choose the right one and then click "Next" button to view the content of the pricelist.


In the pricelist there is determined the basic gross price per visit (which, in particular, may be zero) and the prices of individual services. Registrar may (but need not) determine which services are expected by patient within visit (by checking the box next to the name of service). At the time of selection of any of the services there is automatically updated total price for the visit and the field of quantity at the service becomes editable - the quantity of services can be modify and at such modification the total price for the visit is also updated.


If the visit is to be (co)financed by the payer, then the payer's price list should be indicated in the "Payer" field above the list of services. The price list form will then change its appearance - additional fields will appear in it:

  • settle with clinic pricelist - if a given service is not included in the payer's price list, then it will be settled according to the clinic's price list, if it is included in the payer's price list, then it will be settled according to the payer's price list, and if there is a situation that the service is to be settled according to the clinic's price list, even though appears in the payer's price list, then the "settle with clinic pricelist" checkbox should be checked by such a service
  • payer's price - the price of a given service defined in the payer's price list (visible only for those services that are defined in the payer's price list and have the same VAT rate in the payer's price list as in the clinic's price list)
  • patient's surcharge - the amount that the patient has to pay (the payer may not cover the costs in 100%); by selecting a service defined in the payer's price list, the system enters the patient's surcharge value equal to zero by default (this value can be changed manually; if the selected service is defined in the payer's price list, the patient's surcharge field cannot be empty - the value can be zero, but cannot be empty)
  • patient's discount - information field where one can enter what discount the patient is entitled to for a given service with a given payer
  • order code - a field for entering the order code assigned by the payer; the field is optional, but if the payer provides the order code, it should be entered due to the fact that the payer will require this code in the settlement; if several services have been selected from the price list and the order code is one, then the same code should be entered for each selected service (it may happen that before the visit, the patient will "fix" another service and this will receive a different order code, hence a separate order code for each service instead of one order code during the visit).


The next step in the process of arranging visit is pre-selection of NFZ service. This step occurs only for NFZ visits in primary care clinics (in all other cases, this step is skipped). In this step, you can specify the default service code from the agreement with the NFZ which should be specified at a this visit. If selected service is an advice related with issuing DiLO card then there appears additional field for DiLO card number.


If a dictionary of internal services has been defined in the system and the visit is a visit to the National Health Fund, then the next step is to be able to indicate the internal service that should be provided as part of the visit.


Pressing the "Next" button ends the process of signing up for visit. There is displayed a summary with information about an appointment with the "Show summary" button enabling to print summary for the patient. If, in the process of making an appointment, the patient has been entered into the schedule / queue for which the settlement mechanism is AP-KOLCE, then, after making the appointment, the system sends a message with the patient's data to the AP-KOLCE.


When you click "Show summary" buttons, there is opened a summary in PDF format for printing on paper of prescription format (96 mm × 203 mm).

Pressing the "Close" button closes the window of the appointment and in the view of timetable there is updated the color of slot for appropriate for the appointment.

Depending on the system configuration, the scheduled appointments in the schedule have the heading "APPOINTED VISIT" or the first name and surname of the patient. In addition, various types of information icons may be displayed on the appointment slots.

Clicking on the availability on the grid of schedule begins a process of making an appointment at hour visible at the place of click. At first, there is displayed a window with basic information about the visit and "Continue sign up for a visit" button, which allows to begin the process of signing up for a visit.


When you click "Continue sign up for a visit", there is displayed a form with basic information of visit, where should be indicated:

  • duration of visit - list of available duration times of the visit depends on the length of the availability period of personnel / equipment
  • kind of visits - determines whether it is the NFZ’s or commercial visit; by default kinf of visit valid for the given clinic is selected
  • visit type - defines the type of visit possible to choose among types defined for the clinic; by default main visit type valid for the speciality of the given clinic is selected
  • surgery, where a visit is carried out (for visits to equipment this field is not visible, in case of visits not requiring office, for example. home visits, leave this field blank); if there exists only one surgery room within the given clinic and if main visit type valid for the speciality of the given clinic requires to point out surgery then surgery is selected by default


At the bottom of the form is the "Forward" button that allows you to continue the process of planning your visit, and for commercial visits in clinics where a default price list has been defined, the " Forward (use default price list)" button is displayed that allows you to continue the process of planning your visit with the automatic selection of the default price list. When you click "Forward" button, there is displayed a form of selection staff realizing the visit. In case of visits to the equipment it is blank at the beginning, in case of visits to personnel there is indicated staff for which the visit is arranging (this staff cannot be removed or changed).

If the visit has to be co-realized by some of the staff, then use the "More" button to view more fields in order to select more people to the staff.


To enter into an empty field a staff you have to click on the icon with a green arrow pointing down at the field. This opens a window with search engine of staff, in which after the indication of search criteria can be found staff available during the visits (availability of personnel must be planned in work schedules).


For each person from staff there is "Select" button to click on the search of staff window disappears and selected staff appears in the form of the selection of staff realizing the visit.


For each person from staff it can be selected role that the person has during the realization of the visit. One of the staff has to be designated as primary staff realizing a visit by checking the round field (radio) on the right side of the form (in case of visits appointed to staff this field is marked by default by the staff to which visit is being appointed). If the staff has been inserted by mistake, you can remove it by clicking on the icon with the white minus sign in a red circle. The fields for inputting staff left empty are ignored.


After completing the selection of staff realizing the visit, click "Forward" button. Clicking this button displays a search engine of patients, allowing search for patients to sign up for the visit. Continuation of the process of making an appointment looks identical to an appointment process described above in this section.

After appointing visit, in view of the schedule the availability period in which it was appointed visit is replaced by a block corresponding to the appointed visit with the color appropriate for this visit (in case of visits realized by additional staff appropriate blocks appear at each of the persons realizing the visit).

At this schedule it is possible to handle prearranged visits. When you click on arranged visit in the schedule (with the exception of visits of cherry and emerald color, click on which displayed "corealization of visit" message), there opens a window with details of the visit, in which below the basic information about the visit, there is information about the signed up patient or patients (in case of group sessions). At each patient there is presented information about the status of the visit, the deficiency relating to the visit, who and when has made an appointment for the visit and action buttons. Information about the person being quarantined / in isolation due to COVID-19 may also be displayed next to the patient's name.


Visits can have the following statuses:

  • saved visit - default status of your appointment
  • visit to cancel - a visit which was arranged, but then the work timetable of personnel / equipment changed and the date on which the visit was arranged ceased to be available and because of this the visit has to be canceled
  • realized visit - a visit to which the patient came, the doctor took the patient and noted this information in the system
  • unrealized visit - a visit to which the patient has not come or which for other reasons did not take place and the doctor noted this information in the system

At the visits may also occur following information about the deficiencies (presented in red):

  • No referral for visit - if for a visit is required a referral but has not been entered at the stage of arranging visit
  • Unfilled documents - if the visit is realized on the basis of a referral from which they are associated documents required to be completed by the patient and at least one of these documents has not yet been completed
  • Missing authorizations – in case of public visits in Basic Healthcare if system was configured to require authorizations and within patient card these authorization are missing
  • Unrealized payment for visit - if the visit should be paid in advance and the fee has not been taken from the patient
  • No insurance for day of visit – if in the system there is no valid insurance document of patient on a visit day
  • Assigned therapist is no more available - if to the visit (rehabilitation treatment) has been assigned a therapist who then change the work schedule and as a result he ceased to be available and will not be able to realize visit

At (any) patient signed up for the visit may be available the following buttons:

  • Mark visit as realized - button to change the status of a visit to the "Visit realized" (button available only for visits for equipment that do not have assigned main staff realizing the visit, if the visit has assigned realizing it staff then this person from the staff is responsible for changing the status of the visit on "Visit realized")
  • Mark visit as unrealized - button to change the status of a visit to the "Visit unrealized" (button available only for visits for equipment that do not have assigned main staff realizing the visit, if the visit has assigned realizing it staff then this person from the staff is responsible for changing the status of the visit on "Visit unrealized"); if the visit was arranged on the basis of an e-referral and if it was not used to arrange another visit or to enter the patient into the schedule / queue, then such e-referral is unblocked on the P1 platform, it is disconnected from the visit and removed from the patient's card
  • Cancel visit - button to cancel the visit, whether it is the patient's request whether this is due to change in work timetable of staff / equipment; when canceling visit system asks for the reason and requestor of canceling and if at arranging a visit the patient was entered into the waiting queue then at cancelation of the visit system asks also for specifying the reason for the deletion from the queue; if the visit was arranged on the basis of an e-referral and if it was not used to arrange another visit or to enter the patient into the schedule / queue, then such e-referral is unblocked on the P1 platform, it is disconnected from the visit and removed from the patient's card

    After specifying the reason (if the system needs it) visit is canceled and the date released and it is now possible to sign up another patient for this date.
  • Patient card - button allows to access to patient card (opened in a new window) and completing its data (patient card’s structure and rules of its filling are described in the "Patients (active cards)" section); fast access to patient card makes it easier to complete the information about an insurance for a day of visit and fill out the documents if such are required to arrange visit

    If the patient is insured in NFZ and have a PESEL number and the date of the visit is future, the message about the lack of insurance can be ignored until the day of the visit - the jHIS system on the day of the visit will automatically connect to the eWUŚ system and retrieve electronic document confirming patient’s insurance on the day of the visit; if the electronic document does not confirm the patient's insurance, than entering information about insurance on the day of the visit in the patient card will be required - the " Patient insurance statement" button in the "Patient" tab or "Insurance" tab)
  • Assign referral - button allows to enter data of patient’s referral during the visit, if for a visit is required referral and none was entered at the stage of arranging visit; assigning referrals to visit at this stage looks exactly the same as step of indicating a referral described at the discussion of process of arranging visit (with the difference that the option to download ereferrals from the P1 platform disappears here - see the description of the next button)
  • Assign e-referral - the button allows you to download an e-referral from the P1 platform and associate it with an appointment; getting an e-referral from the P1 platform at this stage looks exactly the same as described in the process of making an appointment
  • Preview referral - button allows you to view paper referral data / e-referral preview
  • Detach referral - the button allows you to detach (after confirmation) the referral from the visit; if the visit was arranged on the basis of an e-referral and if it was not used to arrange another visit or to enter the patient into the schedule / queue, then such e-referral is unblocked on the P1 platform and removed from the patient's card
  • Sign in into the schedule / queue (NHF) - the button allows you to enter the patient into the admission schedule / waiting queue if the patient was not entered in the schedule / queue when making the appointment; the scheduling / queuing form at this stage looks exactly the same as described for the appointment process
  • Services - the button allows you to view / modify (in a new window) commercial services assigned to the patient's visit
    If the visit has not been settled and the surgery room service has not yet started, then it is possible to modify the services assigned to the visit, including the indication of the payer (co)financing the visit. The mechanism is the same as described in the process of arranging a visit when discussing the step of selecting services from the price list, however, here for privileged users it is also possible to change the price of the service in relation to the price in the clinic's price list, e.g. in order to grant the patient a discount for a given service (to change the price of the service, click the pink pencil icon next to the price and enter the new price in the prompt that appears).

    If the visit (co)financed by the payer has not yet been settled or its surgery room service has not started, and the prices in the payer's price list and / or the clinic's price list have changed in relation to the prices in force on the day on which the visit was arranged, then at the appropriate prices messages informing about these changes are displayed in red. Next to each such message, there is an icon with the symbol "⊙" - clicking this icon results in updating the price in the given field (the message informing about the change then disappears). In this way, full control of the user over what has changed and what he should do in a given situation is ensured.

    In addition, it may happen that between the date on which the visit was arranged and the date of the visit, a certain service has been removed from the payer's price list - then an appropriate message is displayed next to the name of the service and clicking the icon with the symbol "⦿" next to this message removes the content of the fields "payer price", “patient surcharge", "patient discount” and “order code" for this service, as the payer is no longer financing the service on the day of the visit.
    It may also happen that between the day on which the appointment was made and the date of the visit, a certain service has been removed from the clinic's price list - then the appropriate message is displayed next to the name of the service and clicking the icon with the symbol "⊙" next to this message deselects the checkbox next to this service, as the service is no longer included in the clinic's price list, so it should not be selected (selected for implementation).
    If it happened that the VAT rate in the payer's price list and / or in the clinic's price list, for a certain service, was changed and after this change, the VAT rate in the payer's price list is different than in the clinic's price list, then such a situation means that the connection of the service from the clinic's price list with the service from the payer's price list disappears - an appropriate message will then be displayed next to the service name and clicking the icon with the symbol "⊙" next to this message will remove the content of the fields "payer price", "patient surcharge", "patient discount" and "order code" next to this service and VAT rate in the service data is updated. If, on the other hand, the changed VAT rate is the same in the payer's price list and the clinic's price list, then an appropriate message will be displayed next to the name of the service, and clicking the icon with the symbol "⊙" next to this message will update the VAT rate in the given service. In both discussed cases, the update of the VAT rate in the given services is invisible to the user (it takes place in the background, so the appearance of the form does not change, except that the red message with the icon with the symbol " " disappears), but it is important that the user is aware ⊙ that such an update is taking place.
    If the visit has been settlen then (in principle) the service form cannot be edited (except for some exceptions which will be specified here). In such a situation, red messages are still displayed in the form, but without the icons with the symbol "⊙", as it is not possible to make changes to the settled services. However, there are some special situations when such changes can be made: when the doctor adds an additional service from the price list during the visit or when the service has a zero price - in both cases, after the visit is completed, until the service is settled, it may be modified and possible red messages at the they keep the active icon with the symbol "⊙". If it happened that the doctor provided an additional service during the visit, for which the patient has to pay extra after the visit, and it turns out that such a service could be (co)financed by the payer, then it is possible to enter the relevant data before accepting the fee for this additional service. In the form of services assigned to a visit, an appropriate green message appears for this additional service performed by a doctor and not yet settled. For such a service, it is possible to enter the patient's surcharge, specify the patient's discount and order code (if this service exists in the payer's price list) and after entering this data, a possible fee (patient's surcharge) can be accepted for this service, if it is not zero.

    If the doctor added an additional service during the visit, but the visit at the time of its arranging was not planned as (co)financed by the payer, then such an additional service cannot be (co)financed by the payer, and therefore it will not be possible to modify it in the service form assigned to the visit.

    Due to the degree of complexity of the mechanisms used, after saving the services, in addition to the brief message about the successful completion of the operation, information is presented about what service data has been saved in the system database.

  • Payments - displays patient's unpaid bills with the ability to manage them; this is exactly the functionality of the "Payments" tab described in the section "Patients (active cards)".
  • NHF Service – the button allows you to assign / change the default NHF service after making an appointment and before starting its surgery

  • Internal service - the button allows you to assign / change an internal service after making an appointment and before starting its surgery room service and also after marking the visit as realized

  • Essential attachments - the button allows you to indicate which attachments from the "History" tab in the patient's card should be displayed for the doctor during a given visit - for an attachment to be displayed during a given visit, select the tab in which it should be displayed and save the settings

  • Notes - button allows you to display a form for adding notes to the visit (added notes are displayed in red next to the information about the patient's visit)
  • Mistakes - the button allows to correct mistakes in settlements for commercial visits. It should be borne in mind that correcting mistakes often involves modifying the issued financial documents and has a number of limitations.

    First, select the mistakes category to correct.

    At the beginning, select the category of mistakes to be corrected. The first category is the change of the price list and / or service / services during the visit. After selecting this category, a list of possible price lists is displayed with the price list assigned to a given visit selected by default (if the error correction concerns the change of the service / services within the price list assigned to the visit, then the price list should not be changed) and the current status is displayed visit services and a form to enter the target status of visit services. The view is different for a planned visit and different for a completed visit. For a completed visit, in addition to the planned number of services, there are also provided amounts and they can also be corrected (zero planned number means that the service was not planned before the visit and was added by the doctor during the visit as completed; zero completed means that the service was planned but not implemented). For each service from the source price list, the same service from the target price list is automatically indicated, if it exists in the target price list - otherwise, the user must indicate which service from the target price list the system should replace the source service with. When changing the price list / service, you can leave the prices of services as they were saved during the visit at the time of planning it, or you can change the prices of services to those currently in force in the target price list, while specifying the procedure for each service independently. The price list / service can be changed for each visit, when there is no change in the prices of any of the services, and for the following cases of visits when at least one of the prices changes: not paid or paid in full within one transaction, when changing the price list / service, the VAT rate cannot be changed. When changing the price list / service, the price / quantity change will affect the financial document issued for the visit and the payment registered for the visit, if any (names and prices of services will be changed on the financial document and the payment will be adjusted according to the payment for the services)! In addition, if there is a grant for the visit, it will be withdrawn!

    The second category of mistakes is adding a service to the visit, which the registration user forgot to add when planning the visit or the doctor forgot to add when performing the visit. After selecting this category, the service adding form is displayed. It comes in two variants: the first - with basic service details if the visit is not (co)financed by the payer or when the visit is (co)financed by the payer but the added service does not exist in the payer's price list, the second - with the possibility of indicating that the added service is to be (co)financed by the payer and the possibility of entering data specific to settlements with the payer. It is important to specify the mode of adding the service - whether it is to be added as if the registration user forgot to add it or as if the doctor forgot to add it - depending on the selected mode, the service may be added to a financial document issued before the visit or to a financial document issued after the visit for an additional (unscheduled) service. The operation of adding a service will affect the financial document issued for the visit and the payment registered for the visit, if any (the service will be added to the financial document and the payment will be increased by the amount due for this service)! In addition, if there is a grant for the visit, it will be withdrawn! The operation of adding a service is possible only for the following cases of visits: no corrective financial documents during the visit, each original financial document during the visit unpaid or fully paid in one transaction.

    The third category of mistakes is the removal of a service that was added by mistake from the visit. After selecting this category, the service removal form is displayed. The operation of deleting the service will affect the financial document issued for the visit and the payment registered for the visit, if any (the service will be removed from the financial document and the payment will be reduced by the amount due for this service, in particular if the removed service is the only one covered by financial document, then it will be deleted together with the service payment and financial document)! Tip: if you intend to remove from the visit the only service for which a financial document has been issued and then add another service, you should first add the new service and only then remove the one that was to be removed (if you use the order of deleting and then adding, then when removing the service the financial document would also be deleted, and when adding a new service it would not be recreated). In addition, if there is a grant for the visit, it will be withdrawn! The operation of adding a service is possible only for the following cases of visits: no correcting financial documents during the visit, each original financial document during the visit unpaid or fully paid in one transaction or paid in any number of transactions, if the removal of the service is accompanied by the removal of payments and document.

    The fourth category of mistakes is the removal of a mistakenly registered payment for a visit, with the option of also deleting a financial document. In order to maintain consistency with the mechanisms of the payment system, when the visit is completed, the possibility of removing the financial document issued before the visit and payments made for this document disappears. It is not possible to delete a financial document without deleting payments made for it. It is not possible to remove the overpayment without deleting the financial document, because there is a rule in the payment system that there can be no financial documents with a negative amount (overpayment) for which the amount has not been refunded. Tip: because the categories of errors described earlier cannot be corrected when there is a correcting financial document for the visit, you can use this functionality to remove the fee for the correcting financial document together with this document in order to correct errors from other categories.

The fifth category of mistakes is the connection of the payer's price list in the visit if it was not attached by mistake or the disconnection of the payer's price list from the visit if it was mistakenly connected. Both of these operations are only possible if no financial document has been issued for the visit yet. If there is funding for the visit, it will be withdrawn!

The sixth category of mistakes is exchanging the payer's price list with another one during the visit. To exchange a payer's price list during a visit, all services assigned to the visit and billed according to the payer's price list must exist in the target price list and must have the same VAT rates as in the source price list.

In case of group sessions to which patients can still added, under the list of signed up patients also appears the "Append patient to visit" button which begins the process of signing up another patient for a this visit (group session). This process looks identical to the signing up the first patient.

In case of NFZ’s visits with the "saved" status and not being group sessions, under the list of saved patients there is also the "Change into commercial visit" button. If patient signing for the NFZ’s visit does not have required documents and therefore can not be signed but he agrees to pay for a visit, then by using the "Change into commercial visit" button, the visit can converted into commercial.


If at the NFZ visit there was entered referral, then after clicking the "Change into commercial visit" button there will appear an ask to decide whether a referral should remain at the visit (despite the conversion of visits into commercial) or should be detached from the visit. If the visit was arranged on the basis of an e-referral which was not used to arrange another visit or to put the patient in the schedule / queue and the button to request to detach a referral from the visit was used, then such ereferral is unblocked on the P1 platform, disconnected from the visit and removed from the patient's card. Depending on the decision, click the appropriate button. If the visit is realized without a referral, this step is skipped.


Next, the system asks to indicate the price list according to which visit commercial will be accounted.


After selecting the price list and clicking the "Next" button there is displayed the price list of services possible to realize during the visit. It operates in the same way as described above when discussing the process of signing for visit.


After selecting services from the price list and clicking "Next" button, visit is converted into commercial, what is reported by appropriate message from the system.


System also allows to transfer scheduled visits to another term except that:

  • vist can be transfered to another term and to another doctor only within the clinic where visit has been appointed
  • transfer is possible only for visits having status of „saved visit”, i.e. Visits waiting fo service
  • due to settlements and reports done, in general it is not possible to transfer visits from past days nor to transfer visits into past days (transferring past visits to another date in justified cases is only available to users with appropriate authorizations)
  • due to differences in processes of visits planning, visit scheduled within the slot can be transfered only to another slot (target slot timespan can differ from source slot timespan) and visit scheduled within the accessibility period can be transfered only to another accessibility period (while transfering visit into target accessibility system saves its timespan if target accessibility allows for it or system shortens this timespan if target accessibility is shorter)

At the bottom of the window with details of each visit, which opens by clicking on visit within schedule, there is black button „Do a transfer of this visit”.


After clicking the button „Do a transfer of this visit”, system memorizes the given visit as visit to be transfered and caption within the button changes into „Resign a a transfer of this visit”.


Clicking the button „Resigna a transfer of this visit” means return to the starting point – system will not remember the given visit anymore as visit to be transfered.

If some visit has been memorized as visit to be transfered, then one has to close the window with visit details, find the slot / accessibility whithin the schedule where the visit is to be transfered and to click on in. Then (as it has already been described previously within thi chapter) there opens window with additional black buttons „Transfer here visit from YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm” and „Resing a transfer of visit from YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm” at the bottom of the window, where instead of „YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm” the date and hour of visits memorized to be transfered appears. If, when arranging a transferred visit, the patient has been entered into the admission schedule / waiting queue (NHF), then above the button "Transfer here visit from YYYY-MM-DD hh: mm", a form is additionally displayed that allows to indicate the reason for the change in the schedule / queue.

By clicking the button „Transfer here visit from YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm” system transfers previously memorized visit to the given slot / accessibility and is displays an appropriate information with transfered visit details. If, when making an appointment, the patient was entered into the admission schedule / waiting queue (NFZ) settled by AP-KOLCE, then after the transfer, the system automatically sends a message to AP-KOLCE informing about the change of the date of the visit.


Clicking the button „Resing a transfer of visit from YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm” means return to starting point – it makes system to stop to remember previously memorized visit as visit to be transfered, so buttons „Transfer here visit from YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm” and „Resing a transfer of visit from YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm” disappear from the window of visit planning.

If the service has not been taken up yet and the visit is not a group session and the occupational medicine module is enabled in the jHIS system, then the violet button "Occupational medicine" appears under the list of patients registered for the visit, enabling the transformation of a given visit into the main occupational medicine visit.

Clicking this button displays the institution and post selection form. The post can only be selected after the institution has been selected.


After selecting the institution and post and clicking the "Next" button, the form for entering occupational medicine parameters is displayed.

After specifying occupational medicine parameters and clicking button “Next” there appears form for choosing examinations to be performed. Examinations are divided into four groups:

  • doctor examinations – doctor examinations appropriate to noxious and strenuous agents being present on a given work post / study course; all examinations are marked, they cannot be changed and all must be performed
  • auxiliary examinations – auxiliary examinations appropriate to noxious and strenuous agents being present on a given work post / study course; all examinations are marked, they cannot be changed, not all must be performed (checkbox fields allow to mark off examinations to be omitted)
  • specialistic consultations – specialistic consultations to be performed within occupational medicine; by default there is displayed one field allowing to specify one specialistic consultations, if there is need to specify more specialistic consultations then one has to click button “More” to display more fields allowing to enter more specialistic consultations, fields left unfilled will be ignored by the system
  • additional examinations – additional examinations to be performed within occupational medicine; by default there is displayed one field allowing to specify one additional examination, if there is need to specify more additional examinations then one has to click button “More” to display more fields allowing to enter more additional examinations, fields left unfilled will be ignored by the system


In the next step, the system asks to indicate which of the selected occupational medicine examinations are to be carried out during a given (main) occupational medicine visit (the remaining ones will be carried out during the non-main occupational medicine visits).

If the visit is a commercial visit, which has not been settled yet and whose office service has not yet started, then after selecting the tests to be carried out as part of the visit, a price list is displayed, allowing for the price of services corresponding to the occupational medicine tests to be added to the price of the visit. Services that were assigned to a visit at the planning stage are marked in bold in the price list. Services corresponding to the occupational medicine examinations selected for a given visit are marked and underlined in the price list. Ultimately, it is up to the user to decide on the scope of the services, converting the scheduled visit into an occupational medicine visit.


An occupational medicine visit may also be (co)financed by the payer - in this case, select the payer's price list in the "Payer" field visible above the list of services and then proceed in the same way as described when discussing the step of selecting services from the price list in the visit planning process.


After clicking the "Next" button, the system informs with an appropriate message about the completion of the operation transforming the visit into an occupational medicine visit.

As part of servicing scheduled visits, it is possible to book appointments.

After clicking on a free date, a red button "Make reservation" is visible in a new window.

After clicking this button, a form will be displayed, in which you must define the purpose of the reservation (descriptively and/or by selecting from the dictionary) and approve it by clicking the "Approve" button.

Once the term has been reserved, the "Make reservation" button disappears. However, there is a clear message that the term has been reserved along with information about the purpose of the reservation and the "Resign a reservation" button (allowing you to resign the planned reservation).

Term that has been booked changes its color to black in the schedule and its heading changes to "RESERVATION". In addition, if the reservation purpose is selected from the dictionary, then the emphasis mark defined in the dictionary of slot reservation purposes appears on the slot.

The reserved term is not blocked in any way - it is highlighted in the schedule and contains information about the purpose of the reservation. A visit for a reserved term is therefore arranged in the same way as for a free term, except that when making an appointment for the reserved term, the intended use of the reservation should be respected.